Sunday, September 25, 2011

He pay his life to save 14 people lives

           How great are the sacrifices and how much we owe to those who sacrifice by them self for us. How can we feel proud of a person who try to save other person? how if he saved two or three? can you imagin one person saved 14 lives?!
         Sunday 6- 2009 at 10:32 am, in our second main city-Jeddah- we had a bad time. The storm water drainage network was bad, and we had heavy rains in that year. a lot of cars sank in this water and people die. Farman Khan -32 years- was there, he couldn't  just watch as the others, but what he can do! he did not have any thing.  Khan used some cars's tires, wooden planks and rope to save 14 person screamed. 14 times he was linking the rope to stones and through it to the stranded people. While Khan in his way to save the 15, the flood cliff him, and the rope that he using to help those people was with him. Onlookers could not help him, the water's push was very strong, they just watch and pray. Moments later, Khan was show up finally, unfortunately just his body survived while his soul gone. People shocked and they were angry how they could not helped him, where is the Civil Defense. Public outcry hit at that time because of the failure of the Civil Defense to save the people.
          Our tears still pouring down when we remember this hero who gave his life for saving 14 completely strangers people, living behind him wife and three small daughters.
If the stream had brought down the curtain on Khan's life, it will not close the curtain on his heroic .


  1. He died but, at least he's still alive in 14 people's heart forever...

  2. Yes Seimei, you are right.
    Thnaks for the comment.
