Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mr. Blake

At 7:50 p.m Tuesday, Sep 6/2011. I met american gentleman his name is Mr. Blake;  he has been working in Students Building Manager, It is the first year for him in this possition.
Blake is studing Education at Webster University beside his work. I asked him if he had a chance to choose another work what he would choose, he told me he will work at Fitness Building in the university. But if he had a chance to work out of the university then he would work as a teacher. Finally, I asked Blake to take a picture for him, and he did not mind to take it.
It was a good time that I spent it to do this interview, I hope I have another chance to interview more people.

note: our communication skills's teacher did not allowed us to ask the interviewed more than 5 questions.

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