Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What I learned during this class

       As an International student taking ESL program in USA, I have many classes during this semester; for examples: reading, writing, grammar and communication skills. Those classes are helping me to learn English as a second language. For my grammar and writing class I learned many rules to make me a better speaker and a better writer.
To be a better speaker you should use a correct grammar in your speak or people will be confusing and becoming unable to understand you. My favorite part on the grammar class is when my teacher mix the grammar with the writing, and ask as to write an article about specific topic then post it in our blog; it makes me proud of myself and try hard to write a good article. However, I did not feel like this in the last month. Because either my teacher or my class meet did not read my blog any more. Why I should write anything on the blog when no one will read it! How can I know my weakness and my strengths if I do not have any feedback! I was wish if Ms. Tamarra -my grammar and writing teacher- sent me her feedback of every article I wrote it, she is my teacher and she is the person who I am looking for her direction. On the other hand, Ms. Tamarra gives us a chance to read each other articles from time to time. We read them on the class and every student at the class has enough time to say his opinion of the article. Then we should rewrite this article and send it again.
This way of teaching is successful, I hope the new student who will take this class have a chance to learning using this idea.  And I hope they try hard to study the grammar, because the grammar is the golden key to speak and write any language successfully. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Favorite Movies

It is the guest who always come when you invite him, brings another people from different cultures and languages with him, our guest is a video movie. Movies have different types; drama, comedy, romance, horror, fantasy and action are examples of movie types. Comedy, drama and horror, those are waht I especially enjoy watching.

Inception with comedy, my first favorite movie type. It is an event with funny or happy ending, and it could be mix with drama or romance. The actor can wear funny clothing or looks like unlucky person who try hard to be lucky. A famous comedy movie who started in 1925 was The Three Stooges, they were American comedy actors of the early to mid–20th century. For now, my favorite comedy movie is any move has Jim Carrey or Will Smith on the list.

When we write about Drama movies, we could not ignore The Godfather, which displayed in 1972.  American epic crime film based on a novel by Mario Puzo, chronicles the experiences of the Italian American Corleone family. Al Pacino was sat on the throne of the tournament, and the movie won several Academy Awards.  Also Rain Man (1988), it tells a story about Autistic man. The performances of the title role are Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise‏. We don't want to forget mention famous drama's actors, such as Denzel Washington‏ and Julia Roberts.
We note the drama movies discussion is a realistic emotional themes, such as: drug addiction, religious intolerance and violence against women.

Finally, I will write about the movie which makes you scared; Horror movies. They try to get your negative emotional reaction by focusing in your fears. Using fantasy, science fiction and realty to scar you. Some themes often show in horror movies include: ancient curses, serial killers, disease outbreak, evil forces, ghost, and vampires.
My favorite horror movie is Resident Evil, which created as a survival horror PlayStation game, the game had a widely demand. Later, they created a movie had the same story and the same title. When I was played this game I could not play it without my sister beside me. When I get out at night, I turned every minutes looking for any Zombie following me. What make me laugh now when I remember this, I was 21 and I could not stop my fear of those zombies!

It is a huge jump in cinema world what we see now.  We have a lot of choices to see our favorite movie types. Makes you laugh as comedy movies, makes you cry as drama movies or makes you scared as horror movies; those are my favorite movies.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


 In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers searching for a new home where they could freely practice their religion. After 66 days of uncomfortable trip in the sea, they arrived to the mouth of the Hudson River. It is a winter season, a lot of passengers were sick and get contagious disease. No long,  half of them died, but The other half were lucky. One month later,  they lived to see the first Spring of the new land and begin to build there own village.
Abenaki was an Indian man who came to welcoming the Mayfloer by English language. Several days later, Abenaki came with Squanto -another Indian man- who was kidnapped and obliged to work as a bondman, then he escaped and came back. Squanto learned cultivating, catch fish and avoid poisonous plants. The new residents were weakened by malnutrition and illness, but they became better when Squanto learned him how to fishing and cultivating to creat the first harmony between European colonists and Native Americans and creat the first Thanksgiving diner when they around on one table together to eat and thanks God to what he gave. They eat goose, duck, seal, eel and turkey.
The main dish on Thanksgiving table is a Turkey. There are alot of stories about the reasons of this. One story  told: It's returning to the 16th century, while Queen Elizabeth chose roast goose during a harvest festival, the news was delivered to her about sinking Spanish Armada on it way to attack England, the queen was so pleased that she order a second goose to celebrate the great news. Thus, the goose became the favorite bird at harvest time in England. When the passengers on Mayflower arrived to the new land-America- they replaced the roasted goose by the roasted turkey because wild turkeys were more abundant and easier to find than geese.

** funny video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gCYEweUZi8&feature=related**

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Black Hole In History

From along time ago, the whole world was different. I am not talking about fashion styles, musik, technology, etc. I am talking about the world leadership.
When you want to be the leader of the world it does not necessary to have a huge army, but you should have a smart nation. Long time ago, the Arabs were in there heaven while the europeans in the dark period, Just a few people knew that.
Abas Ibn Firnas, Al Khwarizmi, ibn Hayyan and meany of smartest scientists were make the different in this particular period.

In exhibition of one thousand invention and invention in London, An educational film had see the light for the first time. It's about a history trip for a library, and the student should searching about different period of history and how it's affected on the modern world. The main subject was about the middle ages or in other words "The Dark Ages". What make you shocked when you know there were no dark ages, on the contrary there were "Golden Ages".
The first idea and the first step to invention the camera, the cinema, the engine, compass, satellites, time clock, airplane were by Arab scientists in the Golden Ages. Farther more, They created the biggest inventions in this particular ages for example: they created the United Nation Clock which had a part of each culture in the world, they created the Medical Sutures from the cat's gut and even the numbers in the english language were created by them.
When I knew those information about Golden Ages I felt proud and sad, I fell proud of my history scientists, but I felt sad because our history scientists will not proud of us; we did not creat something intelligent or development our humanity futur until now.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

French businessman pay fines imposed two veiled women in Belgium

A French businessman on Wednesday pay the fines imposed on two veiled women in Belgium, said he would sue Belgium and France because of laws prohibiting the wearing of the veil in public places.
And the foundations of Rashid Nkaz broker who works for the Real Estate fund of one million euros (1.4 million) to cover fines and the payment imposed the first fines on two Veiled women in Belgium in Brussels and the value of a single 50 euros.
He told reporters outside the office of the municipality in Brussels, "France and Belgium decided to prevent the possibility of women wearing what they want and freedom in that."
The two women came to the office and were also veiled .
Hkaz said "I see that it is unacceptable that European governments enact laws that do not respect the rights of individuals."
And the Belgian law, which prohibits any cover for the face in public places came into force last month.
France was the first country to apply the ban in Europe in April.
Nkaz said he planned to challenge the laws in both countries.
He added, "I'LL SUE two French and Belgian national, and before their own courts to the European Court of Human Rights so they impose sanctions for violating the freedoms of individuals.

From a website, I like it, and I publish it.

The Great Days In This Semester

The 7 days ago were great days in this semester because I was need it so much. My husband and I supposed to go to Chicago but we did not leave St. louis as we were plan for different reasons. However, I enjoyed in this vacation.

When I came to St. louis since two months ago, I did not have enough time to discover the city, so in this week I learned more about some places in St. louis. The first step was in the downtown, I saw the Arsh, the river, horse-drawn carriages, quad bikes wich I like it and I drove it. It makes you so tired when you drove the bikes for one hour, because of that we took it for just half hour. While we were in the downtown I was looking for a restroom, and something funny happened. The nearest store was Wax Museum, which is a museum of 5 floors for ghost. I went to this store, it was so dark and the man there told me that the restroom in the back and he will walk with me. It was a scary time for me, the ghost were in every where around me and the aisle was dark and long. I could not believe that I walked in this aisle.

In this vacation I found a time to call my friends and my family, the time difference between St. louis and Saudi Arabia is 8 hours. So, I could not call them when I came back from the classes because the time was to late. Also I bought some stuff for my apartment, it's look more beautiful now.
We have tried new resturants and we went to the theater, the atmosphere there was nice and we watched a comedy movie while we were eating a popcorn.
I did not forget my education, I took some time to get the Toefl test; the result unfortunately was not as I hope.
In fact I found a time to doing my favorite hobby; it takes a lot of time amoung 4-10 hours, you can do it just in quiet room, and you do not need to do any movement. Put your body on the bed and close your eyes. Sleep is one of my best favorite hobbies.
I couldn't believe the vacation is finished. That means one thing, I was realy need it and I enjoyed. It's so important to me to have a short break during each semester.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Try Living A Life Without Limbs


When you do not have words to descrip a person, who is not just a hero for another person, but for every one who see him and heard him. In this case, you will just feel shame of your self.