Thursday, November 3, 2011


 In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers searching for a new home where they could freely practice their religion. After 66 days of uncomfortable trip in the sea, they arrived to the mouth of the Hudson River. It is a winter season, a lot of passengers were sick and get contagious disease. No long,  half of them died, but The other half were lucky. One month later,  they lived to see the first Spring of the new land and begin to build there own village.
Abenaki was an Indian man who came to welcoming the Mayfloer by English language. Several days later, Abenaki came with Squanto -another Indian man- who was kidnapped and obliged to work as a bondman, then he escaped and came back. Squanto learned cultivating, catch fish and avoid poisonous plants. The new residents were weakened by malnutrition and illness, but they became better when Squanto learned him how to fishing and cultivating to creat the first harmony between European colonists and Native Americans and creat the first Thanksgiving diner when they around on one table together to eat and thanks God to what he gave. They eat goose, duck, seal, eel and turkey.
The main dish on Thanksgiving table is a Turkey. There are alot of stories about the reasons of this. One story  told: It's returning to the 16th century, while Queen Elizabeth chose roast goose during a harvest festival, the news was delivered to her about sinking Spanish Armada on it way to attack England, the queen was so pleased that she order a second goose to celebrate the great news. Thus, the goose became the favorite bird at harvest time in England. When the passengers on Mayflower arrived to the new land-America- they replaced the roasted goose by the roasted turkey because wild turkeys were more abundant and easier to find than geese.

** funny video:**


  1. Will you eat a Turkey with your family:)?

  2. Do you have similer holiday in Saudi Arabia?

  3. I'm so exited and can't wait for Thxgiving

  4. we have a similer day in our religion, we called it : Eid
    In fact, there are 2 days. Eid Alfeter and Eid Alathha.
    We fasting for 30 days, from the sun rise until the sun seeting, eatch day for one month in the year. After that we have a celebration day-Eid alfeter-
    The other Eid is come after spiceal warship days. In this Eid we eat a sheep, on one table with our friends and families.
